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Policies & Guidelines


EFA fully supports USA Fencing SafeSport policies.  As such, there is a requirement for every class and practice session to have a minimum of one additional adult present if any minors are in attendance.  If no adult is available, the class or practice session will be rescheduled.  To minimize rescheduling and the burden on any parent, a volunteer sign-up sheet is maintained.


EFA is opposed to the practice of doping in sport and fully supports and complies with the policies, protocols, and rules set forth by USA Fencing and the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).  The use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated, and offenders will be suspended without refund and reported to the police.

Every year the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes a Prohibited List of all the substances and methods that are prohibited.  As some over the counter drugs contain trace elements of prohibited substances, it is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure any medications (prescription or over the counter) do not contain any substance on the Prohibited List.  The list is evaluated, updated, and published every year by WADA.  See the full list at


Further information regarding USA Fencing’s anti-doping policy can be found at



Underage drinking will not be tolerated; offenders will be suspended without refund and their parents notified.

Booze and blades don’t mix.  No adult who is under the influence of any type of alcoholic beverage will be allowed to fence in class, practice sessions, or tournaments.


EFA maintains a smoke free environment; no one will be allowed to smoke on the premises.

Guidelines for Club & Class Sessions

The goal is to teach the art and science of fencing in a safe environment of mutual respect and self-discipline.  Just as in a martial arts dojo, the traditions governing behavior in a fencing club have developed over the centuries.  These traditions promote safety as well as respect for one's self, one's opponent, the instructors, the weapons, and the tradition itself.  Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated, and disregard of the safety rules and procedures may result in expulsion from the class/club without refund. 

Respect for one’s self and others are also major goals of good sportsmanship and discipline.  Profanity, racial, religious, or sexually degrading comments and/or coarse joking will not be tolerated.  Persons receiving such comments should report them to the coach immediately.


308 E. 5th Street

O'Fallon, Illinois 62269

Tel: 618-444-7037

Eagle Fencing Academy is a

Proud Member Club of USA Fencing 

© 2018 Eagle Fencing Academy

Coach Mark is a life member of the United States Fencing Coaches Association

Photographs provided curtesy of

Arianna Grainey

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